Interested in serving the parish in one of our many ministries?
Please contact the Parish Office at (662) 429-7851 and we will discuss with you any prerequisites and connect you with the appropriate ministerial leader.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION assist with Communion at Mass and bring the Eucharist to the homebound.
EUCHARISTIC HOME VISITORS visit the homebound or temporarily indisposed.
LECTORS proclaim the readings, prayers of the faithful, and announcements at Mass. Lectors should have excellent reading skills and a clear & steady voice. Lectors are to study and pray with the scripture readings before the Mass.
USHERS offer direction, invite participation and assist with the collection and offertory processions.
GREETERS extend welcome, provides information, bulletins, and overall assistance.
SACRISTANS prepare and put away all the vessels and books and things needed for liturgical celebrations.
ALTAR SERVERS assist the ministers during liturgical celebrations.
ADULT CHOIR the Choir always welcomes new members. Stacy Michaels is our choir director. Please call the parish office for practice times.
CANTORS are choir members able to solo and lead community responses.
MUSICIANS with the talent to play an instrument are invited to honor God with the talent given.
ENVIRONMENT attends to the seasonal and liturgical décor, order and cleanliness of the worship space.
RCIA SPONSORS walk with and guide those on the journey to the Catholic Faith.
PREP TEACHER & PREP AIDE assist with the religious education of adults, children, youth, and those aspiring to become Catholic.
LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN celebrated during 9:30AM mass every Sunday. Our children's Homilist are to prepare and share the readings with children during the Liturgy of the Word.